imdavid 2014/11/18 06:21:57 0 0
Hey all,I was wondering about those 2 things:Is there a way to set the default action when an error occurs, such as go to 'xx' when error occurs. (for example control not found)And also, I would like to set a max time on action time, so that if the bot for example is stuck on a page it'll automatically go to action 'xx' after being on the same action for 'xx' seconds.Hope this is possible!...
Augustrain 2014/11/20 04:29:46 0 0
Sorry, I am newbie of Botchief, who can teach me how to run flash in browser of Botchief editor? Thx all.
Dirty Feeling 2014/11/17 21:07:04 0 0
Hello, I'm just playing with Botchiefeditor and wondering if there's a way to keep 2 or 3 browser instances (or tabs) because I need to make some task between them without loading again each one.
mactron 2014/11/16 06:49:43 0 0
Hello,As I know BotChiefEditor can read in random HTML files from "article" folder, but I...
theBlunt 2014/11/16 01:01:48 0 0
I want to create a bot which crawls the web, find corporate websites based on certain keywords, find their email address if available and send them a formatted email. Then, if the recipient requests to unsubscribe, bot saves his email and doesn't send to it again. Is it possible? Also, will it be an ethical way of marketing? I do not want to spam!
Burak 2014/09/29 12:59:12 0 0
Hi all, lately I've been playing around with BotChief but I can't get this one done:I am trying to create a bot for addmefast so I can get points from the twitter followers section.I played with bot chief and watched all videos but couldn't find a solition :(What I am trying to do with steps:- Bot will login in to do site with my account info and after that it will stop. Because I only need to login one time ( when I put "End" action...
pinch 2014/09/25 21:17:30 0 0
Hi, How use Regular Expression for Item Seek in Action - Set Value?Thank
arbus 2014/09/20 23:27:05 0 0
Hi,Just wondering how do you run a compiled bot?  Have all the files with dll files, etc.  But cant get it to run at all. JUst says "file is broken"thanks!
ossy 2014/09/19 09:09:35 0 0
I am using the Pro Developer version. After creating the Bot and i compile, Deathbycaptcha refuses to work instead the bot will automatically choose manual captcha even after i have checked the box for deathbycaptcha. While it works well if i use Botchief to run the bot. This is only having issues with compiled Bots. I thing this is a bug with the software because am sure am not missing any procedure?
Sain 2014/09/01 12:41:49 0 0
In BotChief Editor create table type initializable global variable. Using "get values from table" select storable local string variable. Choose "remove row and add the row to the last of the table". Add LoadURL action, in action settings select created new storable local string variable. In BotChief task manager create new task, select multi treat, add few variable values, run bot.After all values will be used, all new circles will run...
wrc1010 2014/09/08 07:33:42 0 0
I like to build a bot to auto register a free domain from codotvu(dot)comSo like to know whether botchief can copy each keyword i have add in the csv file and then enter it on the codotvu(dot)com and register it then bot also will set the name server for that free domain.After finish the process, bot will store the free domain into the csv file and then continue to second keyword and run the same process as...
Briankong21 2014/09/05 07:34:13 0 0
After upgrade my botchiefeditor to elite version, It doesn't conect to internet.It just stoped. And inthe whitehatpanel, It can't be deleted.I don't know what to do.
Sain 2014/08/29 16:25:04 0 0
I think, it's a good idea to create 1 topic in which everyone can make request for new features. When this features will be realized, post with request may be deleted.
Briankong21 2014/09/05 04:56:16 0 0
I can verify email at botchief editor, And I can make a account, thanks to you.But When I play the modul at botchief with multithreads, all the window write the same email address for verificatio, definitely denied... I have 2 questions and 1 demand.. 2 Questions1. How can I creat the account without duplication of verification email?2. How Can I reserve the ID and password?...
Briankong21 2014/09/05 06:29:54 0 0
When I checked in BotChiefEditor, Id rotated next so everything ok but when I play the same thing in Botchief, same email eddress is used unlike eidtor.. What happen?
Briankong21 2014/09/05 06:33:06 0 0
I can give you 100 usd if you make module for me..I want a chinese site or korean site module,but basically everything is same but language,I can give you explanation for your work.Thanks. 
Briankong21 2014/09/05 07:10:35 0 0
When I compile the program, it say below item is missing... ...
Briankong21 2014/09/02 03:52:00 0 0
Oh my stupid brain ...
George1 2014/08/30 09:44:27 0 0
Hi - I'm trying to upload various videos to a video site and I want to upload a set number of these videos to an account and then change to a new account. All the data (Title, Description, etc) is held in a CSV file - i.e. 1 row for each video.Can you please tell me how I ask BotChief to loop through the videos?Also, is it possible to get BotChief to run a CMD command?Thanks. 
Sain 2014/08/27 18:03:21 0 0
Can some one post here working project file with multi treat, ability to change proxy from file for every treat, different login and password for every treat etc...? Previously I wright multi treat bots in Ubot, but I can't understand logic of treat working in BotChief. Thank's
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