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ReplyThanks 2014/10/03 18:53:04 0 0

I thought i would make a suggestions thread, anyone is welcome to join in posting ideas.

The ability to use Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C etc in input fields, makes things simpler.

Set variable from clipboard contents

Send variable to clipboard

Some way to run a javascript etc to set a variable so you can use it to generate custom numbers and strings.

2014/10/03 20:23:23
Thanks for the suggestion, we will add the functions
Let's ROCK!
2014/10/03 21:59:40

Get current URL as variable

Get current Proxy as variable

Get current UserAgent as variable

Get current time as variable

Get current date as variable

Boolean variables (True, False)


Set dropdown

Visit URL in the browser using a proxy, so you can see a website in a proxy without having to debug. Sometimes websites detect proxy for example so you might want to run a certain action if this was the case.

These type of things would be useful, looping would also be great, so you repeat an action every set amount of time or for a certain amount of cycles etc.

2014/10/03 22:41:00
Also when using a proxy page loading seems very slow, if it's possible to speed that up it would be great.
2014/10/04 13:59:09

When you use the captcha option and the dialog pops up it would be useful if you could press enter to complete the input.

Wait for page load (If you click a control sometimes the page can reload or add new content etc, it would be useful if you could have an option that checks to make sure the page is fully loaded before running the next command)

2014/10/12 01:32:11

In firefox with extensions you can do a lot of stuff, some ideas inspired from that would be -

Set page CSS

Apply Javascript to page

2014/10/13 00:43:25
Thanks again for the suggestion, we will add them step by step.
Let's ROCK!
2014/12/28 15:31:43


Great idea! Yes a CTRL+A and DELETE would be great.

I am struggling to work out how to do a CTRL + A then DELETE at the moment. I have an input box that comes with a default text in already i want to delete before starting to typing a new value.

Any idea's how i do this?

2014/12/29 00:55:59
@henryeith, can't you just set the new value to the input box directly? The new value should overwrite the old one.
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