bechampions87 2016/10/19 00:19:37 0 0
Operating System:Windows 10Operating System Bit:32bitSoftware Version:1Hi, I'm trying to use the "Go to" command to move the bot onto a nested action. The problem is the nested actions don't have any numbers and when I add a title, it just says "0.[Action Name]"How do I get around this bug?
bechampions87 2016/10/18 16:32:31 0 0
Hi,I'm thinking of making a bot that can operate several different scrapers and choses a different one depending on the url. Is there a way to nest a module inside another module?Thanks!
bechampions87 2016/10/18 16:57:59 0 0
Hi,I want to create a bot that can scrape data and create a CSV table from it. What's the best way to do this?Thanks!
bechampions87 2016/10/18 16:52:06 0 0
Hi,For a bot I'm building, I'm looking at nesting Table Loops within each other. Are there any issues with this?Thanks!
DanJ 2016/10/17 06:37:19 0 0
Hi, i purchased BotChief Developer Version today, i couldn't load it because the license did not work so i sent an email to support but i and i have a few questions.1) Does this software have a SDK so i can code my own addons?2) I can code javascript and basic C# and was wondering how i can use it to generate strings and values etc, is this possible and is there any tutorials for doing this?...
mpspringer 2016/10/13 13:44:51 0 0
Need Additional Browser Settings To Reduce Footprint1. Browser Dimensions- screen height- screen width2. Checkout latest features of Zennoprojecthttp://zennolab.com/wiki/en:changelog[+]...
denny 2016/10/12 14:19:23 0 0
im looking someone who can make me bot.
mpspringer 2016/10/11 17:03:30 0 0
Operating System:Windows Server 2012Operating System Bit:64bitSoftware Version:3.6.8Error: Within the WhiteHatBox app, clicking "Run" for BotChiefRunner/BotChiefEditor, a "Network error, please try to login later again." message appears.- wtf?
Harvey Norman 2016/10/11 10:08:14 0 0
I'm trying to use Send Email action with a gmail account. I right click on the action to do a Test Run but it came back with failure and email sending was unsuccessful. Is there an error log or something to check to see what is wrong?
user_1234 2016/10/07 13:41:40 1 0
Operating System:Windows 7Operating System Bit:64bitSoftware Version:4.1.5Hi,I have a program that worked with ealier versions of botchief (and runner) but not when it uses the inequality var(double) <, >, or <> it always comes shows false. Even when it is < or > than the variable specified.When the function is false ...
mansour 2016/10/03 16:12:53 0 0
hi every body I have a question when i see some bots was created by botchief have a wonderful skin, so how to change theme in forms ?  ProxySpider or tweetattackspro. or give me any hint. 
chasetrust 2016/08/06 14:31:05 0 0
I don't know if anybody can create a Bot for Vbro website.. for auto sending messages to apartment owners
digall 2016/10/03 23:51:35 0 0
I'm having issues with latest version V 4.1.5 so i want to downgrade to V 4.1.4.I know i can downgrade to last version from whitehatbox app but the problem is i run BOTChief directly by clicking exe file not from whitebox app. So i can't use that feature from whitehatbox app.BTW if statement with custom project is not working in latest release.
killbane 2016/09/26 22:06:10 1 0
I want to scrape IG followersBut I'm unable to login to IG.Its login button class changes on refresh and the username /pass field have same classes.Not able to click the login button.Also need help scraping followers from modal box.
ronnie173 2016/03/27 07:35:17 0 0
Hi I am trying to scrape all images and text from a page but I don't see any videos on how to do this. If I can get one image but I don't know how to make the scraper keep going until it gets all of the images. Also I need to download all of them to a directory on my hard drive. If anybody can give details on this or point me in the right direction I would appreciate it. Thanks
TurboGolom 2016/09/26 06:40:17 0 0
So hello Guys and welcome to my Post. Im trying to get into this Tool after a long long break and now i wanna start with it again but i have here and there some questions about Functions or the Logic behind the Tool.1. So i  try to create an e-mail creator where i need to fill in informations like name,subname,street,streetnumber and all that kind of things. On the mail site is an Option to choose an wish e-mail adress and i wanna build it from the...
acousticfiend 2016/09/24 10:18:09 0 0
Is there a function to have a bot look at 2 spreedsheets and find any changes between the two and then send an alert if it finds any changes?
usmanamjad 2016/09/22 02:05:08 0 0
HI , I need your help to create google account creator Bot . Unable to find any latest version video and help me to create Google Bot ..  waiting ..
steve316 2016/09/18 12:33:25 0 0
I have compiled my bot into .zip but the program will not run on someone else's computer unless they download bot runner. I don't want to reveal the program I am using to build the bots. Is there a way to make it work?
user_1234 2016/09/15 12:36:33 0 0
Could you add an action that does the following for a thread:- Empty All Variables- Delete all non-needed temp data.- Clean cookies- Loads blank page.In effect, it would replicate a new thread, without having to terminate and re-initialize a new one.I didn't program botchief so I don't know what is kept in the temp data for the thread/browser. If you could delete all...
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