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development help needed

ReplyThanks 2019/03/14 02:40:00 0 0


I am looking to have a bot created and am willing to pay for it , I have submitted a ticket for this but so far have not got a response on taking the order

is there anywhere else I can get bot created that any one knows about - i would like windows forms if possible

2019/03/14 14:58:44

We can help you customize the bot you need. Can i know what your support ticket id is please? I will help you check it soon.

Waiting for your news.

2019/03/14 22:34:11
1 # donski_d 2019/3/14 2:40:00


I am looking to have a bot created and am willing to pay for it , I have submitted a ticket for this but so far have not got a response on taking the order

is there anywhere else I can get bot created that any one knows about - i would like windows forms if possible

Hey. Tell me, what should the bot do?
Module Development - wrkgml@gmail.com // Thanks - https://ko-fi.com/arbots
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