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Paid help wanted to help make first bot

ReplyThanks 2016/12/06 23:35:18 0 0


I've yet to purchase the license for BotCheif i first wanted to see first if i could make a simple checker bot that checks my balances. I thought it would be easy, nope. I'm having difficulty as it has recaptcha, i'm happy at this point to solve it myself, but i cant think of a way for BotCheif to stop while i solve it, or even better show me a paid recaptcha solution that will do this automatically. I want an expert to help make a bot for me, and to show me a few things to get started, please pm me or email me mary.t@europe.com for the web url I am trying to scrape.. Thanks a bunch.

2016/12/07 00:24:35

Hello, you can add our Skype account: whitehatbox and we can talk about the details of this bot.

Have a nice day!!!

2016/12/11 02:16:33
I can gladly help you! Add me on skype - SilenceTheDeathBringer Also check out my YouTube series on BotChief https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrvK0Aqd4SlrjSta87ux8x3ebGDT8aCt3
Fuck BotChief! WhiteHatBox willl steal from you, disable your keys when they don't get their way
2017/02/28 11:17:56


I have exactly the same problem,

I ve been watching tutorials for hours without success!

I can not pause/stop botchief the time i manually solve the captcha.

Which command can do that?

2017/02/28 21:28:50
4 # Kill3rbko 2/28/2017 11:17:56 AM


I have exactly the same problem,

I ve been watching tutorials for hours without success!

I can not pause/stop botchief the time i manually solve the captcha.

Which command can do that?

When you are solving the captcha manually, it will pop up a window, and at this moment, it will pause for a while to let you input the captcha.

For the letter and number captcha, you can just use the Captcha action. For the recaptcha, please use NewCaptcha action.

<< < 1> >>
Input content.
Please verify you are human, fill the correct result of above arithmetic.
Advanced Option