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How to capture textarea inside iFrame

ReplyThanks 2016/01/22 16:46:22 0 0

I used "Select Control" to capture a textarea of a blogging site. it finds just the name. and when click on "Find HTML Item" just a narrow bar at the top of the textarea becomes green. then i put a text in text section of the control and hit save and "Test Run", But the text doesn't gets placed in textarea. after compiling the project this becomes the cause of fail.

This is the iframe code:

<iframe id="rte84312" name="rte84312" width="738px" frameborder="0" height="350px" src="http://site.com/public/public/rte/blank.htm">

<html id="rte84312"><head>

body{background: #FFFFFF;
margin: 2px;
padding: 5px;
direction: rtl;
font-family: tahoma;
font-size: 11px;}


name="rte84312" is the only thing it finds as outerHTML, but can't put text/variable inside it.

How come could i choose the textarea?


2016/01/25 01:56:14
Hi, buddy, what site do you want to visit? do you want to input the content to the textarea? please tell us the detailed information, and we will help you check it. thanks
2016/01/25 14:36:35


Do you need the URL of the site? since it's a non-English website i don't think you will understand texts there.

And yes, the textarea is the place to post article body (like every blogging systems).

I can post pictures if it helps.

2016/01/25 21:47:56
3 # Netman 1/25/2016 2:36:35 PM


Do you need the URL of the site? since it's a non-English website i don't think you will understand texts there.

And yes, the textarea is the place to post article body (like every blogging systems).

I can post pictures if it helps.

Yes, send the url and the pictures to me please, then I can help you check if Botchief can do that.
2016/01/26 08:46:25
Ok, I'm going to send URL and credentials to you via PM.
2016/01/27 15:34:15
4 # zhoucongcq 1/25/2016 9:47:56 PM
3 # Netman 1/25/2016 2:36:35 PM


Do you need the URL of the site? since it's a non-English website i don't think you will understand texts there.

And yes, the textarea is the place to post article body (like every blogging systems).

I can post pictures if it helps.

Yes, send the url and the pictures to me please, then I can help you check if Botchief can do that.

Hi zhoucongcq

Did u check the website i sent?

Could u solve it?

I appreciate if u can help me on this.

2016/01/27 22:01:46
I have got your message, plese wait for a moment.
2016/01/28 03:54:10
I have checked that site, the id and name of that iframe are always changed. So you should use another way to input the value. I add 3 actions to do it.

1. Use "1. Set Value" action to input the title of blog

2. Use "2. Keystrokes Emulation" action, the setting is here

3. Use "3. Keystrokes Emulation" action to input the content of blog, you can use a variable to stroe the content.

2016/01/28 06:12:27

Thanks zhoucongcq for putting effort on this but it still doesn't work correctly.

I tried it already before you post.

Randomly the pointer after the first "Keystrokes Emulation" gets into the body area, but when I click another link (Like Stats of the blog) and return to the Post New, and use "Test Run" the title then 1st Keystrokes (Tab 3 times) it doesn't put the pointer in the right area.

Running the whole project fails at this point too, Why the heck should they put textarea in iFrame

I'm stuck ...

2016/01/28 21:45:54
As I said, the id and name of that iframe are always changing, so BotChief can't find the iframe by id or name. Also there is no other condition of the iframe, we can do nothing.
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